Saturday, March 23, 2013

Poisons in modern food

a. Soy protein, potatoes, corn, fruits and vegetables - GMO originated;
b. 'Nature identical' flavoring substances;
c. Meat powders and stuffing;
d. Flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanylate etc.);
e. Smoke flavors;
f. GMO originated flour, glucose and syrups;
g. 'Treated' food salt;
h. Food colors and dyes ('paprika extract', 'Bacon extract' and alike etc.);
i. Food preservatives (aside the natural ones: salt, sugar, honey and vinegar).

What can you do to avoid these foods?
1. Buy your food in small shops, locally and in country areas - avoid big retail chains and industrial foods for your supplies: supermarkets, mega shops, malls and other chain distribution places. Support your local produces by buying their food - remember, that unprocessed food is the best quality and no harm food.

2. Read the labels on food very attentively - avoid any food if you feel the smallest discomfort with its ingredients. Absolutely avoid potato chips, instant coffee (use roasted one), yeast bread (use flat one), chocolate with dubious/too much ingredients (use 80% cocoa one), corn syrup, peanut butter and other surrogates.

3. Buy whole foods: non-powdered milk and cream (if you have access to pair milk - it's the best - boil it), whole meat and fish (not stuffings and alike), whole grains (mill them in coffee mill), whole fruits and vegetables (instead of industrial gems, ragout and salads).

4. Avoid fast-food (FF) and semi-processed foods. All of them. If you can't avoid them - change your life slyle. Don't be a prisoner of your lifestyle and as a result, a prisoner of bad and deadly food behaviours.

5. Avoid the widely popular beers and drinks (soft, sparkling and alike). Prepare them at home, if you can, and if you can't do a Coke in home conditions - don't use it in your ration.

6. Avoid industrial fats and oils - the best oil you can find on earth is cold-pressed Olive Extra Virgin Oil, cold-pressed sunflower and milk butter - no one can fake them at the moment. Avoid palm oil, soy oil, corn oil and etc. fats in your food.

Full post here:

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