Sunday, November 30, 2014

14.000 dead in Ukraine - jewish plan worked again!

Up to date, almost 14.000 dead in Ukraine, so jewish plan on the separation of related nations worked in full once again! Conflicts within Islam, conflicts within Christianity - what else to expect? Jews are frying powerfully the meat of the goyim in this senseless fire. A deap heat with no future for the involved parties, but with encouraging prospect for the mischiefing zionists. So wags the world? Once again, who has no brain - havoc for the feet...

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Politicians and their balls held by capital or how jewish speculators lowered the world into the abyss

Today, the big errors of jewish speculators are paid by tens of governments, hundreds of companies and by millions of people across the planet. Jewish funnel of greed and irresponsibility finally swallowed half of the worlds' liquidity and dragged it into its impervious depth - our cumulative resources on development and well-being vanished without a trace. Brainless dealers and traiders and their managers who imagined themselves as masters of the world have stolen our future in a flash. So, what kind of thanks we can say to the international jew now? We can say, hands off from our land! Hands off from our savings! Hands off from our political arena! Hands off from our economic system! At all times. Sooner or later you will pay for it in full. As Oprah once said, "Hitler was just a joke!".

Friday, November 21, 2014

Jewish halter. How it works?

First, jewish hydra sells drugs to you and to your enemies* (trade, consumption, whatever). Then, in the same way, the jewish hydra sells weapons to you and to your enemies. After the hounding and the carnage, regardless of the winner, the jewish hydra has both money and the initiative - naive 'winner' gets defeated by its own dependence and short view.

*The say that the Italian mafia finally subsided after it was involved in the drug trade. Now, the debris of that Italian mafia is both beautiful and manipulatory depicted on TV and in films produced by so many jewish film directors (like Martin Scorsese). Romantic, but this is how it works.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Who needs the fragmentation of peoples and communities around the world

The answer can be obtained if we understand the purpose of this large-scale project ("why?"), where whole nations are just pawns in a crazy game not for life, but for death. "Divide et impera", seems to be from original, as everything simple and elementary can't be reduced and annihilated in our psychological, historical and marco-world - divide and rule.

Whether it is the jewish zionism or the American military complex or the international jewish communism or the newly-born unscrupulous chinese capitalism. Also, it may be the old and 'good' british monarchy which shakes with its old days in any of its modern colonies - the continent as a colony! Divide and rule.

The world is very fragmented, but you didn't thought on this seriously. You only feel it day by day, on your skin (and the more fragmented, the more you feel it painful):
*good and bad people;
*men and women universes;
*gay, pederast, feminist, racist, zionist;
*catholic, muslim, buddhist, scientologist;
*black, white, yellow, red, blue;
*national, cosmopolite, unruly;
*rich, poor, middle;
*anarchic, social, individualistic, collectivist;
*sane, insane, understanding, dump;
*educated, street-born, childish, old;
*young, careful, desperate, mature;
*slanderous, respectful, cultural;
*acultural, revengeful, organised.
Words describing the many aspects of hell, because there is only word for peace and harmony - human. And we don't know it yet. Divide and rule.

Although scientists understand each other on different continents, scientific community is also highly fragmented:
*independent, funded, corrupt;
*scared, responsible, humanitarian;
*manipulative, starring, greedy;
*noble, principled, dedicated;
*visionary, authoritative;
Thus, the many aspects of hell in this cold field today and the society tomorrow - false reports, semi-objective studies and experiments, destructive technologies, false-flags etc.
Full post:

Total conflict of interests

Governments against their people;
American jews against the russian jews;
Big capital against our future;
Rich north against the poor south;
Women against men;
Profit against healthy food and morale;
Children against parents and grandparents;
Technology against feelings;
Gay against the common sense (and chinese);
Nature against us (at this stage).

But only religion can reduce us to one and only spiritual development will reach true understanding and harmony – christians, muslims, budists and all. Otherwise, like the devil itself, we’ll continue to fry our breads on this damn fire for ages.  Full post:

Jewish bla, bla, blumberg and your state of worst

The best companies in our country (they generate up to 80% of total market value), in the end, go to the securities market. These markets are completely controlled by jewish speculators (around the world). Also liquid assets of these companies are delegated to banks for storage, administration, operations etc. So, jewish bankers are also in control of these resources, indirectly or directly. (If any company takes a loan and can't pay it's debt in time, the bank assigns its illiquid assets on account of debt. No matter yesterday the company generated income for owners, salaries for workers, taxes for the budget and subsidies for the needy - these all we are. "And this way, the hen that lays golden eggs got killed...")
We'll not talk extended here about the fact that jews are fond of killing such kind of hens on a systematic basis - and our hens, of course.

The economy itself is regulated by a tool jews control close - Federal Reserve System. You can't see, the real holders of the economy are jewish and its main flows are manipulated by jewish hands all the rime. The holders, but not the owners. (By the way, following the hens, we'll go. We already going. "The virus attacks the first carrier, and then kills the hosts...")

However, the most oppressed nation on earth..?
Full post:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Destruction of the intangible benefits vs. the ruin of the international society

Life, health, freedom, name, honor, dignity... Not much of these had left for many peoples of the Middle East. In Europe and USA, some of us kept their life, health and relative freedom, but none kept their name (voice), honor or dignity.

Unruly brutality of the powerful today denotes real unscrupulousness, secular racism and denigration of human values, accumulated for millennia in our already international society. In this broth of moral decay and depravity, a new variety of people will be coming sooner or later... Those who despise tangible goods... They will bring extreme poverty to all of us.

Also, these people will drown in blood for the first time in history not only the hebrew filth, but also those miserable organisational attempts to simulate humanity and empathy for others - The World Bank Group, The Red Cross, Amnesty International, Transparency International, Greenpeace, Millennium Challenges and Initiatives etc.. Full posthere >>

The Quote of The Week 43 - Fear is like fire...