Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ISIL has nothing to do with orthodox Islam

Remember this 10 truths, derivatives of all good intelligence you can have:

1. ISIL has nothing to do with orthodox Islam. ISIL preaches a new extremist form of islamic believes, to argue ist reckless actions;
2. ISIL was born from jewish money (through CIA spinneret), al-qaeda refuse and former iraq officers (after the disipation of huseini government);
3. ISIL's acts of violence and intimidation have a propagandistic character and have no content - there is no difference of whom to kill. Experience shows that ISIL gangs fight between them for power and money - they kill in that same manner the civilians and competitors (in faith and influence);
4. ISIL is not a state, but a new large group of outlaws and adherents of lawlessness from all over the world stained with religious color and concentrated on a specific teritory;
5. US inaction in the region (despite of the presence) speaks about explicit and secret communion between ISIL and american/israhellian government (+tyrkish, quatarian and saudi-arabian governments);
6. ISILs sources of funding derived from large oil trade with Turkey, indicates NATO involvement willy-nilly, as the final consumer of this cheap oil is Europe. No risk for the security in the region?
7. Contrived patience and tolerance of big security risks in this region talk about the actual conspiracy between US/israhell/Turkey/NATO/ etc. true enemies of human kind;
8. ISIL is not about the religion, it's about money and power - a splinter for the christian world today organised by international jews (waves of refuges settle everywhere in Europe);
9. Commercials for ISIL are worked out by the same organisations that emancipate lesbian and gay movements in the world today;
Full post here:

Friday, November 20, 2015

Why jewish unscrupulousness can not produce Good in principle

Do you have an answer, how to be friend with a snake? Jewish amorality in films, jewish amorality in foreign afairs, jewish amorality in their own scriptures, jewish amorality in their internal affairs, international sponsorships of gay movements by jews, jewish sponsorships of international migration (which killed national identities of many states), jewish involvement in falsification of central historical events, jewish perversions in juvenile law etc. - a crucible of vulgarity, debauchery and decay.

Now, that we see it all, it's time to act promtly - and this is how, step by step...

1. Identify the jews. A fortune, when they find themselves (because of their natural inferiority - what an idiot can shout that he's chosen and others not? );
2. Concentrate them in special feeding-camps and feed them with fast-food (it changes your mind, you know, really);
3. Give them sweet soda instead of pure water. Always. Till the end of their lives;
4. Give them no opportunity to find out about their past and possibilities of future. Erase and falsify their true history in all points;
5. Let them watch TV all day and read autoritative newspapers. Don't encourage investigation of facts and live figures;
6. When illness will come from this way of living, don't give them cheap medicine, but give them pseudo-medication at high costs;
7. Don't let their women sleep with men - let men sleep with men and women with women. Make this a general trend;
8. Their children belong to the state and to the system. Take the accidental-appeared children from them;
9. The old people should leave separedly from juvenile in special houses - no life experience and wisdom should be transfered from one generation to another;
10. Let them work day and night for you and for money, but not for verified life values.

You also see, my child, that it's you and not the jews in this hopeless situation. It's time to act, my friend, to change the silent future. Say NO, to jewish movements in the Republic - we have to see your own movements now. And remember, "with cunning and deception make war against the goyim", says the central motto of the Mossad.
Full post:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chaos in Europe? About us from former israeli Prime Minister

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." (Former Israeli Prime Minister Menechem Begin)

So, don't tell me about chaos in Europe these days - it's Order. The New Jewish Order. (A.V.)