Sunday, January 29, 2017

Excitement about the technology is a piece of shit

Science and technology de-facto bring comfort in our houses, also they bring absolute state control and an enormous techno-gap between nations - an irrevocable disruption between rich and poor, between the technology-holder and the outsider. Do you see movies about this?

Full post read here:

Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, 1791 book

Download the full book in .PDF format here: Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, 1791 FULL
Download a smaller version of the book in .PDF: Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, 1791 SMALL

Thomas Paine was an english writer who was able to affect through his writings and ideas what is called today the American Democracy and Democracy in general. According to Thomas Paine, the only purpose of government is to protect every human being's innate rights. Thus all forms of leadership from which no citizen benefits are unnecessary and therefore unlawful, including monarchies, military regimes and noble classes. When the French Revolution broke out, Paine fled to France where, despite not knowing the french language, was elected to the National Convention. His escape from England at that time was auspicious and publication of Human Rights in native country also launched a national fury - Paine was tried in absentia and sentenced as undermining the British Crown.

* These are the times that try men's souls. (Thomas Paine)

Original post here:

Michael Faraday Electricity Experiments Book, 1922

Download the full book in .PDF format here: Michael Faraday Electricity Experiments Book, 1922 FULL
Download a smaller version of the book: Michael Faraday Electricity Experiments Book, 1922 LIGHT

Michael Faraday was a famous english chemist and physicist whose experiments on electricity led to the invention of technologies that we use today in various ways. Although he was initially a less educated man, and his mathematical knowledge were modest, Michael Farady became one of the most influential scientists of all time. His experiments were those that made electricity have applications in today's technology. Note, that during his lifetime, Michael Faraday rejected the knighthood order offered by Queen, also he rejected twice the title of President of the British Royal Society.

*But still try. For who knows what is possible. (Michael Faraday)

Original post here: