‘The only thing you need for deconstructive movement is confrontation.’ (Ariel Voinescu)
Enormous budgets on two continents intended for weapons, propaganda, medicine and supply – ideal feeder for jews of all sorts: dilettants, corporate disintegrators, opinion makers, influencers, business mediators, national traitors, ordinary robbers, political clan players and diaspora agregators. Under the souce of ideological, false and shameful contraposition of ideas in the world using privately owned media outlets.
Nothing sacred, just obvious, that in this continuous bluff goyim like you and me are the object of manipulation and desintegration. In the long run, the jew that is not here but everywhere will subordinate the most important control systems. They already did it. In media, finance, pharmacology, education and justice. And there will be no media, finance, medicine and justice for you in a biased system.
Full post: https://retrofilmsin.wordpress.com/2015/02/20/america-fighting-with-russia-only-in-your-dreams-and-tv/